BBands napisa (a):
> An example:
> class classA:
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.b = 1
> def doStuff():
>     some calcs
>     a..b = 0
> a = classA():
> print a.b
> doStuff()
> print a.b
> That works as hoped, printing 1, 0.
> But, if I move doStuff to another module and:
> import doStuff
> class classA:
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.b = 1
> a = classA()
> print a.b
> doStuff.doStuff()
> print a.b
> I get a 1 printed and an error: NameError: global name 'a' is not
> defined
> I think this is a name space issue, but I can't grok it.
> Thanks in advance,
>      jab

Hello. Indeed the doStuff function in the doStuff module can't do 'a.b
= 0' (the double dot was just a typo, right?) because it doesn't know
anything about an object named a.

I think the right solution would be not to use 'a' as a global
variable, but rather to pass it as an explicit parameter to the

In module doStuff:

def doStuff(a):
    # some calcs
    a.b = 0

In the main module:

import doStuff
# ...


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