> > According to the command line help for cx_Freeze and py2exe, they
> > cannot pack my program with additional installation files into one
> > self-extracting .exe file (which is what I want to do).
> > 
> > Am I wrong on this?
> As far as py2exe goes, no, you're not wrong.
> On the other hand, there are readily available utilities that
> will do what you are asking for, independent of Python and py2exe
> and everything else.  Standalone single-file packagers.

Beeing able to use python to specify the installers behaviour (like
checking what files to install on different systems, decrypting
archives, etc.) is for me very attractive. AND, I have functional and
well tested version on python 2.3. Hence, the  best options seems at
the moment to be: keep using python 2.3.


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