J. Clifford Dyer a écrit :
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 08:54:52PM +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote
> regarding Re: New module for method level access modifiers:
>> TimeHorse a ?crit :
>>> I have started work on a new module that would allow the
>>> decoration of class methods to restrict access based on calling
>>> context. Specifically, I have created 3 decorators named public,
>>> private and protected.
>> Lord have mercy.
> I invented a new decorator too.  It gets rid of many of the
> limitations of python, including duck typing and hideously flat
> namespaces.  It's used kind of like this:
> @java 
 > def public_com.sun.lord.have.mercy():
 >     pass
> Implementation forthcoming...
keyboard !-)

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