Got code from the 3rd party, maybe someone can see something wrong with it:
def sendDataHTTP( url, postData ): # url format: # postData is either a dictionary or list of dictionaries # that contain the data that you want to post. responseList = [] urlList = urlparse.urlparse( url ) host = urlList[1] scriptPath = urlList[2] if not type( postData ) == list: postData = [ postData ] headers = { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain" } conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( host ) for thisDict in postData: params = urllib.urlencode( thisDict ) conn.request("POST", scriptPath, params, headers ) response = conn.getresponse() responseList.append( (response.status,response.reason) ) conn.close() return responseList --