On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 14:37:36 +0800, kyo guan wrote:

> def A():
>       print 'warp in A'
>       def why(self, *arg, **kw):
>               print 'in A'
>               print self
>               print arg
>               print kw
>               #self(*arg, **kw)
>       return why
> class T(object):
>       @A()
>       def test(g, out):
>               print 'in test', out
> it will out put:
> warp in A
> in A
> <function test at 0x00BF0C70>
> ()
> {}
> the function why will be called, why? there is no code to call it.

There is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]()``.  Parenthesis means *calling* `A`.  Then `A` 
`why` and that is then used as decorator function, i.e. called with
`T.test` as argument.

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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