> Depends obvious a bot on what you consider serious math.
> Expression evaluation, floating point characteristics, relational
> database theory, simulation, optimum location, encryption etc.
> are all based on mathematics of different levels.

Thats not i call serious maths. You just need a very little
here for all this concepts. A "extended high school degress" should be
enough (based on our education system in Germany - don't know how much
you do in a US high schoool). A little bit set theory and of course
algebra (on a very low level but unfortunately not teached in school).

But where do you need the way to prove mathematical theorems and this
is what
i call as serious math. You don't need to prove anything you just need
use it. (In 95% of all programming, except some embedded programming
DSP's or numeric.)

> > Depends. I would call Knuth as one of the worst programmers. Look at
> > his total
> > failures on literature programming. Software Engineering is something
> > very
> > different.
> I think you will find it very difficult to write a piece of code
> that are not heavily influenced by Knuth.

Well programming in the small like sort algorithms for sure. But not
for his great discoveries but for one of the first man who was paid
for this by this university employee.

But in the field of software enginering as i said before he
failed. And for me programming is just another word for software
engineering these days.


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