This message contains the responses to two previous messages:
In response to Steven B.,the statements Raw_packet_queue = enqueue(..., Raw_packet_queue, ...) print 'Sort 1 Raw_packet_queue is', Raw_packet_queue produce the output Sort 1 Raw_packet_queue is [[(<Pkthdr object at 0x4341d7d0>, '\x00\x00\xd1\xf0\x [EMAIL PROTECTED] 81\x8a\x02\xbf\xb1\x13\x00\x16\xe5/\xd5\xa7vu\x0e\x08\x80\x10\xf8\xe0\x8a[\x00\x 00\x01\x01\x08\n\x15\xb7\x13\xba\x8e\x91\x9a\xfd'), ['E\x00\x004', '@\x00', '\x0 6', '\x89N\xa2j\x81\x8a\x02\xbf\xb1\x13\x00\x16\xe5/\xd5\xa7vu\x0e\x08\x80\x10\x f8\xe0\x8a[\x00\x00\x01\x01\x08\n\x15\xb7\x13\xba\x8e\x91\x9a\xfd']]]
This consists of two lists [[pcap packet header, pcap packet body], [a list of selected IP header fields]]. Raw_packet_queue[0][0][1] should return the 'pcap packet body' list element.
No, Raw_packet_queue[0] is [pcap packet header, pcap packet body] so Raw_packet_queue[0][1] is pcap packet body. Raw_packet_queue[0][0][1] is (pcap packet header)[1] which doesn't work.
Kent --