> I came across annoying problem during my fun with mod_python. I turned
> out that mod_python load package only onca and don't care about any
> changes to it. Obviously it makes sense on production server but
> during development is more then annoying.

Have you read the mod_python manual?


5.4.8 PythonAutoReload

Syntax: PythonAutoReload {On, Off}
Default: PythonAutoReload On
Context: server config, virtual host, directory, htaccess
Override: not None
Module: mod_python.c

If set to Off, instructs mod_python not to check the modification date 
of the module file.

By default, mod_python checks the time-stamp of the file and reloads the 
module if the module's file modification date is later than the last 
import or reload. This way changed modules get automatically reimported, 
eliminating the need to restart the server for every change.

Disabling autoreload is useful in production environment where the 
modules do not change; it will save some processing time and give a 
small performance gain. 


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