rc wrote:

> How to insert NULL values in to int field using params.
> I'm trying to use pymssql.execute, passing the operation and list of
> params.  One of the values in the params is a NULL value going to int
> field.  The pymssql._quote() puts ' around the NULL which causes an
> exception to be thrown, is there a way to use the params for this or
> do I need to build the insert string myself?
> pymssql.DatabaseError: internal error: SQL Server message 245,
> severity 16, state 1, line 1:
> Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'NULL' to data
> type int.
> DB-Lib error message 10007, severity 5:
> General SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server.

Can you show us the actual code you use? I doubt that such a basic thing
isn't working.

You are aware that you have to pass None, not "NULL"?


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