On 15 Oct, 22:21, Massimo Di Pierro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Two users have reported this error when used the OSX version of Gluon  
> (http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/examples)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     File "/Users/jacek/src/gluon/runme.app/Contents/Resources/
> __boot__.py", line 157, in <module>
>       rograms/gluon/runme.py'))
>     File "/Users/jacek/src/gluon/runme.app/Contents/Resources/
> __boot__.py", line 148, in _run
>       target, wasChanged = alias.ResolveAlias(None)
> MacOS.Error: (-35, 'no such volume')
> 2007-10-15 21:29:08.896 runme[8217] runme Error
> 2007-10-15 21:29:08.898 runme[8217] runme Error
> An unexpected error has occurred during execution of the main script
> Error: (-35, 'no such volume')
> I made it with py2app and I am relatively new to OSX.
> Does anybody has any idea of what could be wrong?
> I would very much appreciate any help. The code is posted including  
> setup_py2app.

Most of the files in the .app bundle are actually symlinks, so I'm
guessing you built it with the --alias flag which should be used for
development purposes only. You need to rebuild it as a standalone
executable. See the py2app documentation for more info:


(You might also file a feature request with the py2app developer
asking for it to give a more helpful error message when this error




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