Mike Meyer wrote:
Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
It may look like an array to you, but it's a list.  Python
doesn't have arrays


guru% pydoc array

You got me :-), although you did prune a somewhat relevant
part of my above comment, which continued "unless you
count something like the numarray/Numeric extension module."

Although I admit I _had_ forgotten about the standard
array module, I could just as well have continued
still further with "or the standard array module" and
it would have been roughly the same point.  To wit,
a Python list is not an "array", it just acts a lot
like what other languages call arrays and you'll get into
trouble referring to it as such.  Call it a list and
all of us will understand.  Call it an array and we'll
have at least three possibilities...

But thanks for the correction nonetheless!

(I think I've used that module once, so perhaps I can
be forgiven the oversight. :-)  )


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