Python 2.4 Windows XP SP2 MS Access 2000 mx.ODBC 2.0.7 Problem data truncation occuring (here's the actual error message):
mxODBC.Warning: ('01004', 5, '[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] String data, right truncated on column number 3 (Expr1002)', 3326) I believe that have found a bug in mx.ODBC not properly assigning the correct data type to a column. Here is a sample script that demonstrates the problem and why I think it is being handled incorrectly: # NOTE memo1 and memo2 are memo fields in the test_table import mx.ODBC.Windows dbs = mx.ODBC.Windows.connect('database', '', '') sql = "select memo1, memo2, memo1 & ' ' & memo2 from test_table where record_id = 1" c = dbs.cursor() c.execute(sql) print print 'mxODBC SQL DataTypes:' print for i in mx.ODBC.Windows.sqltype: print i, mx.ODBC.Windows.sqltype[i] print print 'Column DataTypes:' print for i in range(len(c.description)): print c.description[i][1] c.close() dbs.close() When you run this script it produces the following output: mxODBC SQL DataTypes: 1 CHAR 2 NUMERIC 3 DECIMAL 4 INTEGER 5 SMALLINT 6 FLOAT 7 REAL 8 DOUBLE 9 DATE 10 TIME 11 TIMESTAMP 12 VARCHAR 91 TYPE_DATE 92 TYPE_TIME 93 TYPE_TIMESTAMP -1 LONGVARCHAR -10 WCHAR_LONGVARCHAR -9 WCHAR_VARCHAR -8 WCHAR -7 BIT -6 TINYINT -5 BIGINT -4 LONGVARBINARY -3 VARBINARY -2 BINARY Column DataTypes: -1 -1 12 >From the output you can see that memo1 and memo2 are both determined to be of type longvarchar (-1) but when the columns are concatenated together the resulting column is given a type of varchar (12). Obviously this is why the data truncation is occurring. Is this a known problem? I can work around the problem using a converter function: def converter(position, sqltype, sqllen): print 'in :', position, sqltype, sqllen if position == 2: sqltype = -1 sqllen = 1073741823 print 'out:', position, sqltype, sqllen return sqltype, sqllen and then using: c.setconverter(converter) but shouldn't mx.ODBC have properly assigned the correct sqltype and sqllen for the concatenated memo columns in the first place? --