
I've a program where users can make modules,
by just dumping them in a certain directory,
then they will dynamically link into the program if needed.

One of the communication channels I use,
is a general global file, which should be imported by all user modules.

One of the things a user should be able to do is to create " global 
which should then be available in all the other program modules.
So the global file contains a list, call JAL_Globals = [],
where each user can append the globals he want to be exposed to the 
outside world (for read only).
Now if these globals are complex items, no problem, I get pointers and 
can access them.
But if these variables are simple, like integers, I get the value only 
once ;-)

How can I create of dynamic pointers, even to simple variables ?
Or is there a better way ?

Stef Mientki

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