Net.ObjectDays 2005 Ð Call for Papers
Erfurt, Germany, September 19-22
Net.ObjectDays is one of the major international conferences on object-oriented and Internet-based technologies, concepts, and applications. Based on its strong focus on research and innovation, Net.ObjectDays aims at bringing together leading researchers from academia and system architects, developers, and customers from industry and administration.
Recent developments in Information and Communication Technologies have substantially changed the nature of global relationships, sources of competitive advantage, and opportunities for economic and social development. These changes pose increasingly complex challenges to the computer science community in general and the software community in particular. Self-adaptation, self-management, and self-healing are key features in a new software landscape that aims on providing flexible solutions to solve one-of-a-kind problems in an adequate, reliable and cost-effective way.
Given this background, the focus of Net.ObjectDays 2005 is on methods, models, languages, and tools for efficient, reliable and adaptive composition of software artefacts to provide a scientific and technological foundation allowing for new differentiators such as on-demand computing, situation-aware services, attentive user interfaces.
The topics of the conference include but are not limited to:
- Object-oriented concepts, languages and technologies - Aspect-oriented software development - Adaptive and reflective languages and systems - Domain-oriented programming - Generative programming
- Novel Web applications and interface - Service specification and composition - Process modelling and execution - Grid services infrastructure - Autonomic and on-demand computing - Object-oriented and peer-to-peer middleware
- Architecture-centric development - Dynamic software evolution - Software maintenance and reengineering - Component-based approaches - Domain engineering and software product lines
We invite original contributions from the above-mentioned areas that neither have been published previously nor are under review by other refereed events or publications. Proceedings of Net.ObjectDays 2005 will be published as Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Papers will be submitted electronically at
in PDF format. Papers must not exceed 16 pages and should be formatted according to the author instructions of Springer-Verlag to be found at
All submissions have to be in English. The title page must contain a short abstract and a classification of the topics covered, preferably based on the ones listed above. The paper must clearly state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work, the results achieved, and the relation to previous work.
Important dates:
Submission of papers: April 24, 2005 Notification: June 03, 2005 Final version due: June 24, 2005 Conference: September 19-22, 2005
Program committee co-chairs:
Robert Hirschfeld DoCoMo Euro-Labs, Germany Landsberger Str. 312 80687 MŸnchen, Germany [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Andreas Polze HPI at University of Potsdam Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Stra§e 2-3 14482 Potsdam, Germany [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mathias Weske HPI at University of Potsdam Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Stra§e 2-3 14482 Potsdam, Germany [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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