pekka niiranen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: >Does anybody know Python recipe for changing the date >of the directory or files in W2K to current date and time? >In UNIX shell command "touch" does it.
See below. The key is using the FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS flag. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # from win32file import * from pywintypes import Time import time x=CreateFile(r"d:\scratch\testdir",GENERIC_READ+GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE,None,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS,0) i,c,a,w= GetFileTime(x) print "create",c,"access",a,"write",w SetFileTime(x,Time(int(c)-24*3600),Time(int(c)-12*3600),Time(int(c) -3*3600)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C:\e\littlepython> create 01/21/05 04:27:04 access 01/21/05 16:27:04 write 01/22/05 01:27:04 C:\e\littlepython> create 01/20/05 03:27:04 access 01/20/05 15:27:04 write 01/21/05 00:27:04 C:\e\littlepython>dir d:\scratch\testdir ... Verzeichnis von d:\scratch\testdir 20.01.2005 00:27 <DIR> . 20.01.2005 00:27 <DIR> .. 0 Datei(en) 0 Bytes 2 Verzeichnis(se), 806.768.640 Bytes frei -- Wir danken für die Beachtung aller Sicherheitsbestimmungen --