On Oct 10, 1:27 pm, walterbyrd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> According to hostmonster's list of features, they do support python.
> Does anybody have any experience with hostmonster?

I'm using host monster to run my html-only site. However, I want to
add some python cgi, and I'd prefer to extend that to the Django
framework. I've had some issues getting cgi support. I've IM'd with a
tech rep and all they could tell me is that "yes, they do support
python cgi." From what I've seen, they don't have the mod_python
module installed for Apache. Without mod_python, I don't think you can
install Django. Not sure about other pythonic web frameworks.

Outside of the cgi support, host monster has been pretty good to work
with. They have a pretty slick control panel. Also, they use CentOs 4
and an older version of python.



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