Sells, Fred schrieb: > I need a simple client/server architecture with clients on linux and servers > on windows. There is no UI in this part, just business rules and access > control. > > Pyro seems pretty cool for this due to it's simplicity. I'm just starting > with it and have not been able to get the server side to "see" changes to a > module. The only way I can stop the server is with the Task Manager. Can > anyone offer some insight into > 1. stopping/starting the server - perhaps as a windows service. > 2. getting the server to recognize new modules "on the fly", i.e. when the > .py file is changed.
That can be done, but isn't supported out-of-the-box. Essentially, you have to create a watch-thread that checks timestamps on python-files and then restarts some service if some change. However, it might be difficult to make that play nicely with pyro - after all, it stores some state, reloading stuff makes that go away. So - I wouldn't advice to really implement that. Why do you want that anyway? Does startuptime of a script really bother you? shouldn't take more than a few seconds. Diez --