Shawn Minisall wrote: > I just learned about if, then elif statements and wrote this program. > The problem is, it's displaying all of the possibilities even after you > enter a 0, or if the fat grams are more then the total number of > calories , that is supposed to stop the program instead of continuing on > with the print statements that don't apply. Any idea's? thanks
Two suggestions: 1. Use raw_input instead of input or errors will occur should users enter non-numeric characters. > #Prompt for calories > cal = input("Please enter the number of calories in your food: ") > > #Prompt for fat > fat = input("Please enter the number of fat grams in your food: ") 2. Convert cal and fat to ints or floats for your calculations... maybe something like this: try: int(cal): except ValueError,e sys.exit(str(e) + "Enter a number!!!") This will catch things that cannot be converted to an int (bad user input) Besides that, I'm pretty sure your calculations are wrong. --