<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Again I am depressed to encounter a fundamentally new concept that I | was all along unheard of. Its not even in paul graham's book where i | learnt part of Lisp. Its in Marc Feeley's video. | | Can anyone explain: | | (1) its origin | (2) its syntax and semantics in emacs lisp, common lisp, scheme | (3) Is it present in python and java ? | (4) Its implementation in assembly. for example in the manner that | pointer fundamentally arises from indirect addressing and nothing new. | So how do you juggle PC to do it. | (5) how does it compare to and superior to a function or subroutine | call. how does it differ. | | Thanks a lot. | | (6) any good readable references that explain it lucidly ?
I am starting with the Wikipedia article 'Continuation' which has references both to other W. articles and several other books and papers. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list