On Oct 7, 2:47 pm, "Francesco Guerrieri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > Today I've been thinking a bit about the "python internals". Inspired > by this recipe:http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/66062 > I found out a little problem which haven't been able to solve. > In short, is there a way to find out how a given name lookup was started?
If you constrain the problem, yes, it's possible. However, the solution below is limited to CPython and has other limits. > It is not enough to know the name of the caller as given by the recipe. > > a little example: > import inspect > > class test(object): > def __init__(self, a_list): > self.my_list = a_list > def info(self): > for counter, item in > enumerate(inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())): > print counter, item > return self.my_list > data = property(info) > > if __name__ == '__main__': > a = test([1111,2222]) > def g(a_seq): > for item in a_seq: > print item, '\n' > g(a.data) > > This prints > 0 (<frame object at 0x00B58B08>, 'myfile.py', 10, 'info', [' > for counter, item in > enumerate(inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())):\n'], 0) > 1 (<frame object at 0x00A5B000>, 'myfile.py', 38, '<module>', [' > g(a.data)\n'], 0) > 1111 > 2222 > > What I would like is a reference to g itself, and not only to > '<module>' which is the caller according to f_code.co_name. > I thought of manually parsing the string ' g(a.data)\n' to extract > the name but I'm sure that it would be a rather fragile approach, and > so I decided that it was time to ask for help :-) > To 'get a feeling', I tried to disassemble the code: > > code = compile('g(a.data)', 'test', 'single') > dis.dis(code) > > and this is the result > > 0 LOAD_NAME 0 (g) > 3 LOAD_NAME 1 (a) > 6 LOAD_ATTR 2 (data) > 9 CALL_FUNCTION 1 > 12 PRINT_EXPR > 13 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) > 16 RETURN_VALUE > > So ... I'm looking for the first name loaded. Is there a reference to > it, somewhere? #!/usr/bin/python import sys, opcode def WhoCalledMe(a, *args, **kwargs): # Get the calling frame and the bytecode index of the last instruction. f = sys._getframe(1) lasti = f.f_lasti code = f.f_code.co_code # TODO: Needs to be extended for the other 3 variants of CALL_FUNCTION. assert ord(code[lasti]) == opcode.opmap['CALL_FUNCTION'] # Get the number of arguments the function was called with. num_args = ord(code[lasti+1]) num_kwargs = ord(code[lasti+2]) # Get the instruction that loaded the object being called. # Work backwards from the function call. 3 is the size of each LOAD_* op # (assuming EXTENDED_ARG is not used). 1 for the previous opcode, # number of positional arguments, and 2 for kwargs (1 for the name, # 1 for the value). i = lasti - 3 * (1 + num_args + 2 * num_kwargs) # Again, this assumes EXTENDED_ARG is not used. load_index = ord(code[i+1]) + (ord(code[i+2]) << 8) # Another assumption that isn't always true, but convenient for our case. opname = opcode.opname[ord(code[i])] assert opname.startswith('LOAD_') # Get the name of the variable and its value. name = value = None if opname in ('LOAD_FAST', 'LOAD_NAME'): try: name = f.f_code.co_varnames[load_index] value = f.f_locals[name] except LookupError: assert opname == 'LOAD_NAME' # opname must be LOAD_NAME and the variable is a global, ignore it. if opname in ('LOAD_GLOBAL', 'LOAD_NAME') and not name: try: name = f.f_code.co_names[load_index] value = f.f_globals[name] except LookupError: print 'Uh-oh. Should have found the name in globals.' # TODO: handle LOAD_CONST, LOAD_DEREF and LOAD_CLOSURE. print 'Called by', name, 'value is', value def main(): WhoCalledMe(0) MeDammit = WhoCalledMe MeDammit(1, k1=1, k2=2) if __name__ == '__main__': main() WhoCalledMe(0) MeDammit = WhoCalledMe MeDammit(1, k1=1, k2=2) # end of script If you run the scrit above, it should print something like: Called by WhoCalledMe value is <function WhoCalledMe at 0x2ac718dff6e0> Called by MeDammit value is <function WhoCalledMe at 0x2ac718dff6e0> Called by WhoCalledMe value is <function WhoCalledMe at 0x2ac718dff6e0> Called by MeDammit value is <function WhoCalledMe at 0x2ac718dff6e0> The code doesn't handle all the cases (e.g., nested functions), but gives you an idea of what can be done and where to look for the info (ie, in the stack frame and how to parse the byte codes to some extent). For nested functions, look in co_consts. Bytecodes are specific to CPython. This code won't work on IronPython, Jython, or PyPy. This code really shouldn't be used for production. However, it demonstrates some of the info available. n -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list