MarkyMarc a écrit :
> On Oct 7, 6:04 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.
>> But how do I get this to work?
>> You failed to specify how your files are organized, and what is "not
>> working".
>> But anyway, if
>> - is in <wherever>/Test/apack,
>> - both Test and apack have a
>> - <wherever> is in the sys.path,
>> then this should just work AFAICT.
> If you se me first post you will see have me files are organized.

Could have changed.

> But like this:
>  Test/
> (a empty file)
>       apack/
>       (a empty file)
>       bpack/
>       (a empty file)
> And also in me first post(and others),
> all I get is an import error: ImportError: cannot import name apack.
> And sys.path is  /python/Test/bpack

And you do wonder why you can't import ? Please reread with attention 
the first and third points listed above (following the 'But anyway'). 
The 'Test' package is *not* in your sys.path.


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