James Matthews wrote: > What are these stats based on? > This survey here:
http://app.sgizmo.com/reports/4762/6895/QJK8UD9C9371P37EOQ7V8OIC1RP39O/ Now how was this survey advertised? Who was asked to participate? Dunno. Clearly not MacFans, given the high number of 1 scores given to Objective C + cocoa. Interestingly, python got the most votes (619--the next highest were 518 (Java) and 505 (Ruby)), the highest average score (8.5 out of 10, followed by HTML/CSS with 7.6 and Javascript with 7.3), *and* the highest percentage of 10 scores, (49.3%, with HTML/CSS second with 28.6%). Cheers, Cliff -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list