Hi All, I do not understand the packages system in python. I have read this http://docs.python.org/tut/node8.html a 100 times and I can not get it to work.
I make a test app like this: ******************************* Test/ __init__.py (a empty file) apack/ __init__.py (a empty file) atest.py bpack/ __init__.py (a empty file) btest.py ******************************* atest.py: from Test.bpack import btest def printA(): print "This is Atest from Apack" def printbtest(): print btest.printB() print printA() print printbtest() ******************************* btest.py: from Test.apack import atest def printB(): print "This is Btest from Bpack" def printatest(): print atest.printA() print printatest() ******************************* All I get is an import error: ImportError: cannot import name x I can remove the import statements an use the Test package quit normal but when I try to make intra-pacage references I get the import error. I must be missing something, could any one point me at what. Thank you. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list