>>> try @param\[(in|out)\] \w+ >>> >> This didn't work either :( >> >> The tool using this regular expression (Comment Reflower for VS2005) May be >> broken... > > How about @param\[[i|o][n|u]t*\]\w+ ?
...if you want to accept patterns like @param[iutttttt]xxxxxxx ... The regexp at the top (Adam's original reply) would be the valid regexp in python and matches all the tests thrown at it, assuming it's placed in a raw string: r = re.compile(r"@param\[(in|out)\] \w+") If it's not a python regexp, this isn't really the list for the question, is it? ;) However, things to try: - sometimes the grouping parens need to be escaped with "\" - sometimes "\w" isn't a valid character class, so use the long-hand variant of something like "[a-zA-Z0-9_]] - sometimes the "+" is escaped with a "\" - if you don't use raw strings, you'll need to escape your "\" characters, making each instance "\\" HTH, -tkc -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list