>>>>> "Douglas" == Douglas Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Douglas> If you actually try doing this, you will see why I want
    Douglas> "yield_all".

Oh... I see your point.

I was about to suggest that the code in my posts before should be made
to work somehow.  I mean, if in

  def fun1(x):
      if not x:
          raise MyErr()

  def fun2():


we can expect that main gets the exception thrown by fun1, why in

  def fun1(x):
      if not x:
          yield MyObj()

  def fun2():

  for a in fun2():

we cannot expect MyObj() to be yielded to main?  But soon I found that
it is not realistic: there is no way to know that fun2 has generator
semantics.  Perhaps that is a short-sightness in not introducing a new
keyword instead of def when defining generators.


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