On Oct 2, 5:43 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > On Oct 2, 5:27 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > But it is still wrong to say "0.6 is definitely not the same as 3/5". > > Out of context, I'd certainly agree. But from the context, I assumed > it was clear that the 0.6 was a Python float. I probably should have > made this clearer. My statement should probably have been something > like: a literal 0.6 in Python code does not have the same mathematical > value as the rational (or real) number 3/5.
Ok, so maybe I should have said: the literal 0.6 isn't what gets added to mpq(1,3) to form the sum. What actually is added is the 0.6 coerced to an mpq which is then added to mpq(1,3). So what 0.6 is as a float is relevent only to what it gets coerced to. > > Richard -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list