Gerrit Muller wrote:
> as always I do appreciate your summaries. This new format, with the
> boilerplate at the end certainly is an improvement. However, I always

> use your news announcement as a trigger to read the version at
> <<dates>.html>. I used to do this
> clicking on the "archive" link at the beginning of your message and
> clicking on the latest summary. For my type of reading I would
> prefer to have the link to the actual version at the top of the
> rather than at the end.

I bet you are not the only one.  I have now added a link just below the
TOC that points directly to the HTML version of the current Summary.

> I hope you keep summarizing as long as no other volunteer takes over.

That will be true if someone picks it up between now and end of March.
I just sent a reply to Steve's email announcing my retirement from the
python-dev Summaries after I send off the March 16 - 31 Summary.  Time
to stop and try to be more helpful in a (personally more enjoyable)
coding capacity on python-dev.



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