> On Behalf Of Jeremy Sanders
> def a(x, y, z):
>   print x, y, z
> def b(x, y, z='fruitbat')
>   print x, y, z
> for func in a, b:
>   def wrapper(func=func, *args, **argsk):
>      # do something
>      func(*args, **argsk)
>   x.append(wrapper)
> x[0](1, 2, 3)
> x[1](1, 2)
> ...
> Is there any way to do this? Can you capture arguments in a 
> tuple and dict, but still receive other keyword arguments? 

I think you're missing one level of wrapping.

>>> def a(x, y, z):
        print x, y, z

>>> def b(x, y, z='fruitbat'):
        print x, y, z

>>> x = []
>>> for func in a, b:
        def wrapper(func):
                def wrapped(*args, **kwds):
                        print "wrapped!"
                        func(*args, **kwds)
                return wrapped
>>> x[0](1, 2, 3)
1 2 3
>>> x[1](1, 2)
1 2 fruitbat

Ryan Ginstrom


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