On Oct 1, 6:16 pm, Daryl Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to locate all lines in a suite of files with quoted strings of
> particular lengths.  A search pattern like r'".{15}"' finds 15-character
> strings very nicely.  But I have some very long ones, and a pattern like
> r'".{272}"' fails miserably, even though I know I have at least one
> 272-character string.
> In the short term, I can resort to locating the character positions of the
> quotes, but this seemed like such an elegant solution I hate to see it not
> work.  The program is given below (sans imports), in case someone can spot
> something I'm overlooking:
> # Example usage: search.py *.txt \".{15}\"
> filePattern = sys.argv[1]
> searchPattern  = sys.argv[2]
> cpat = re.compile(searchPattern)

Most shells will expand *.txt to the list of files that match, so
you'll end up with the first .txt file as your 'filePattern', and the
second as the regexp. Could that be it?

Paul Hankin


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