On Sep 30, 8:16 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >  c=' abcde abc cba fdsa bcd '.split()
> > >  dels='ce '
> > >  for j in dels:
> > >    cp=[]
> > >    for i in xrange(0,len(c)-1):
> > The "-1" looks like a bug; remember in Python 'stop' bounds
> > are exclusive. The indexes of c are simply xrange(len(c)).
> Yep. Just found it out, though this seems a bit counterintuitive to
> me, even if it makes for more elegant code: I forgot about the high
> stop bound.

You made a common mistake of using a loop index instead of iterating
Instead of:
  for i in xrange(len(c)):

Just write:
  for words in c:

Then you won't make a bounds mistake, and this snippet becomes a LOT
more readable.

(Of course, you're better using re.split instead here, but the
principle is good).

Paul Hankin


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