> If I have a text file that is delimited by spaces, how do I import it
> and get to comma delimited?  Here is a row of data from the text file:
> 1    1    10:55:14  2    65   8.5
> 1.4+1.1                       2.5       Class-2   0
> I tried a few examples from the group and it didn't work, since the
> file also has a header row and a row of seperators ( -------).  The
> lengths of each row is something like 130, so there are extra spaces
> after the last value as well.  I have tried joining and other things,
> but I couldn't figure out how to get the values to come together.
> Thanks.
> Kou

After you recognize and handle the header and separator lines, the
remaining lines can be handled this way:

>>> l = '1    1    10:55:14  2    65   8.5'
>>> f = l.split()
>>> print f
['1', '1', '10:55:14', '2', '65', '8.5']

>>> ','.join(f)


>>> ', '.join(f)
'1, 1, 10:55:14, 2, 65, 8.5'

Gary Herron


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