Eric Brunel wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 04:41:48 +0200, Scott David Daniels 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Michal Bozon wrote:
>>> Today has been released a first beta of Tk 8.5, including a Ttk
>>> (tile) style engine, which makes possible the native look
>>> of widgets on MS platform, without having to install any extension.
>>>  Is there a chance it will be included in 2.5.x, 2.6 or 3.0 ?
>> This is just a guess, but:
>>     The beta: no way for anything.
>>     2.5.x: also very unlikely
>>     2.6: unlikely unless release is _soon_ (first alpha of 2.6 is out)
> It won't be: tcl/tk development is quite slow. There have been several 
> months between each 5 or 6 alpha release and between the last alpha and 
> the beta. So don't expect the official release to come soon...
>>     3.0: much more likely, 3.0 won't be out for some time.
> This would be my guess too...

I'd say that Tk 8.5 will be out before Python 3.0: the beta phase should 
be fairly efficient on Tk.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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