Hi! I've seen the message below in this python list, that seems to be unanswered.
I'm trying to do the pretty same thing. There's a way to preprocess the request with a mod_python handler and then proxying it with mod_proxy? Thank you very much in advance, and sorry for trying to revive such an old message. Cheers. > >whale whale at mycameo.com >Tue Mar 25 05:49:42 CET 2003 > >I use Apache2.0.44 and mod_python3.0.1. >I add ProxyPass and PythonHandler directives in httpd.conf >## httpd.conf >ProxyPass /test/ http://www.test.com >ProxyPassReverse /test/ http://www.test.com ><Location /> > AddHandler python-program .htm .html > PythonHandler mptest ></Location> > > >And mptest.py: >from mod_python import apache >def handler(req): > req.write('Hello!!') > return apache.OK > >ex. My apache server is www.server.com. >When I browsed the local server request(ex. >http://www.server.com/1.html), >I received 'Hello!!' response, the python handler worked well. >But when I browse the proxy request(ex. >http://www.server.com/test/1.html), >the response I received is the original content of >http://www.test.com/1.html, not 'Hello!!'. >The proxy requests didn't seem to be processed by mod_python handler. >How could I pre-process the proxy request before mod_proxy module? >Thanks a lot!! > --- David Sanchez Martin Administrador de Sistemas [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Key ID: 0x37E7AC1F E2000 Nuevas Tecnologías Tel : +34 902 19 61 77
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