Mark Summerfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The sorteddict API that has emerged so far is (1) apart from the
> constructor, everything is identical to dict, 

I don't see this as necessary, it's ok if it resembles dict as much
as dbm does.

> (2) the constructor takes the same args as sorted(), so if you want
> to seed with a dict or with keywords you write
> sorteddict(dict(a=1,b=2), ...), (or you could create a sorteddict
> and use update() since that takes the same args as dict's
> constructor).

sorteddict could itself return a constructor:

    d = sorteddict(key=int).new((('12', 'a'), ('3', 'b')))

gives sorted version of {'3':'b', '12':'a'}

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