> Can anybody give me an hint (or some link) on how to define
> 'aCFunction' and how to call 'self.myMethod' in the C source code?

A python function defined in C accepts a pointer to self and a tuple
of arguments, each of which is also a PyObject. If you pass a function
or method, it will be included in the tuple of arguments. I don't
think there is any difference between passing a method and a function.
You can call that method using functions in the `Object Protocol'
section of the API, such as PyObject_Call(...).

Here is an example from the Python documentation:

The first part shows how to get a function as an argument. The
following bits of code show how to actually call that function.The
example uses PyEval_CallObject, which I can't find documentation to.
I'm not sure if it even exists (it may be a documentation error). But
from the example it seems to work exactly the same as



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