Replying to myself in case someone finds this interesting. Anyway, I took another shot at this with a little fresher mind, and it was quickly obvious that I was trying to force attributes to behave more like classes. It was a small step from there to creating a factory function to return instances of the appropriate class. I'm much happier with the result than either of the two previously posted kludges.
# A factory function for generating attributes that can be annotated. def attr(value, doc=None): base = type(value) if base == bool: # bool class can't be used as a base, so we make one that can. class MyBool(int): def __str__(self): return str(bool(self)) __repr__ = __str__ base = MyBool class FancyAttr(base): pass fa = FancyAttr(value) fa.__doc__ = doc return fa class Animal(object): four_legs = attr(value = True, doc = "Animal has four legs") favorite_food = attr('cheese', doc = "Animal's favorite food") has_fur = attr(False) has_fur.__doc__ "Animal has fur" print Animal.four_legs.__doc__, '::', Animal.four_legs print Animal.favorite_food.__doc__, '::', Animal.favorite_food print Animal.has_fur.__doc__, '::', Animal.has_fur --