On Sep 25, 10:53 am, Mark Summerfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > Below is a PEP proposal for a sorteddict. It arises out of a > discussion on this list that began a few weeks ago with the subject of > "An ordered dictionary for the Python library?", and a similar one on > the P3K mailing list with the subject "ordered dict for p3k > collections?". > > If there is positive feedback I will submit the PEP to the reviewers, > so if you think it is a good idea please say so. (I'm sure that if you > _don't_ like it you'll tell me anyway:-)
I can't see much advantage over: for key in sorted(mydict): ... A much simpler data-structure, that is also very useful, is a dictionary that keeps insertion order -- it's also something that's a tad bit more difficult to implement yourself than the above. My personal implementation is documented at http://blog.tkbe.org/archive/python-property-set/ It's very tempting to add value access by numerical index (I did as well), however I now think it's a mistake. -1 from me. -- bjorn -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list