First the bugs... On Sep 24, 9:52 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > ... > avcsasdoc = workspace + "\avcsas.txt" > ...
There's quite a few cases like this where you don't escape backslashes, so your filenames are mostly mangled. Here \a produces character code 7, which is definitely wrong. Either escape them like this: '\\avcsas.txt' or use raw strings where backslashes aren't treated specially: r'\avcsas.txt'. You might want to look at the 'os.path' module for help in constructing filenames. You have a 'break' and the end of the last for loop. This has the effect of stopping the for loop at the first iteration. Either it's a bug, or you really didn't want a for loop! There's also quite a few places where your code could be improved: > classsum = avcclass[0] + avcclass[1] + avcclass[2] + > avcclass[3] + avcclass[4] + avcclass[5] \ > + avcclass[6] + avcclass[7] + avcclass[8] + avcclass[9] + > avcclass[10] \ > + avcclass[11] + avcclass[12] + avcclass[13] Is better written classsum = ''.join(avcclass[:14]) > addzeros = {1:"0", 2:"00", 3:"000", 4:"0000"} > ... > ... addzeros[numzeros] + lanex[i-1] Good idea, but in this case python provides an easier alternative: ... '0' * numzeros + lanex[i - 1] Or use the 'rjust' method which right-justifies a string: ... lanex[i - 1].rjust(5, '0') > for i in range(1,Nscheme+1): > numzeros = 5 - int(len(lanex[i-1])) > avcclass.append(addzeros[numzeros] + lanex[i-1]) > Nlanex.append(int(lanex[i-1]) Is better as for i in range(Nscheme): ... use i rather than i - 1 (I assume Visual Basic for loops are off by one). In fact, this loop is even better if you just iterate over lanex itself. Using a loop index rather than iterating directly is a common mistake. for lane in lanex: avcclass.append(lane.rjust(5, '0')) Nlanex.append(int(lane)) Or even better, use list comprehensions to construct your two lists explicitly: avcclass = [lane.rjust(5, '0') for lane in lanex] Nlanex = [int(lane) for lane in lanex] Note, each rewrite makes the intention of the code clearer, as well as being shorter. This makes your code easier to read and understand, and less buggy. Since all you do with avcclass is sum it, combine this with the classsum optimisation above to get classsum = ''.join(lane.rjust(5, '0') for lane in lanex[:14]) Nlanex = [int(lane) for lane in lanex] > lanex = [] > if numlanes == 2: > lane1 = newlist1[2:2+Nscheme] > lanex.append(lane1) > lane2 = newlist1[2+Nscheme:2+Nscheme*2] > lanex.append(lane2) > else: > lane1 = newlist1[2:2+Nscheme] > lanex.append(lane1) > lane2 = newlist1[2+Nscheme:2+Nscheme*2] > lanex.append(lane2) > lane3 = newlist1[2+Nscheme*2:2+Nscheme*3] > lanex.append(lane3) > lane4 = newlist1[2+Nscheme*3:2+Nscheme*4] > lanex.append(lane4) List comprehensions beat copy/paste: total_schemes = 2 if numlanes == 2 else 4 lanex = [newlist1[2 + i * Nscheme:2 + (i + 1) * Nscheme] for i in range(total_schemes)] HTH, and welcome to python! -- Paul Hankin --