Hello @ all,

we have written a small program (code below) for our own
in-developement rpg system, which is getting values for 4
RPG-Characters and doing some calculations with it.
now we're trying hard to find out how to get it working with 'n'
Characters, so you will be asked to enter a number at the beginning,
asking you how many characters you want.

anyone out there who could help us?

also i wonder how i can read the current date/time (we don't understand
datetime() )and put it into a variable and print that variable?

[mx] and Tschabo
doing python since yesterday :)

Code follows:
# Timeline Tools for an RPG system - Written in Python 2.4
# Created by [mx] networkz @ 27.02.05 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Collaboration work of mx2k & Tschabo (von Konsti)

# import math

#defining functions

#header text
def showtitle():
    print ''
    print '   Timeline System - Alpha Version 0.8.15 '
    print '____________________________________________'
    print '*    supports 4 characters                 *'
    print '*    coding [mx] networkz & Tschabo        *'
    print '*    created 2005                          *'
    #print '============================================'
    print ''

def sortfun():
    charlist = [char1[1],char2[1],char3[1],char4[1]]

    #dunno if correct, is spamming move[] lists but working correctly
    if charlist[0] == char1[1]:
        move1[0:0] = [char1[0],char1[1],char1[2]]
    if charlist[0] == char2[1]:
        move1[0:0] = [char2[0],char2[1],char2[2]]
    if charlist[0] == char3[1]:
        move1[0:0] = [char3[0],char3[1],char3[2]]
    if charlist[0] == char4[1]:
        move1[0:0] = [char4[0],char4[1],char4[2]]
    if charlist[1] == char1[1]:
        move2[0:0] = [char1[0],char1[1],char1[2]]
    if charlist[1] == char2[1]:
        move2[0:0] = [char2[0],char2[1],char2[2]]
    if charlist[1] == char3[1]:
        move2[0:0] = [char3[0],char3[1],char3[2]]
    if charlist[1] == char4[1]:
        move2[0:0] = [char4[0],char4[1],char4[2]]
    if charlist[2] == char1[1]:
        move3[0:0] = [char1[0],char1[1],char1[2]]
    if charlist[2] == char2[1]:
        move3[0:0] = [char2[0],char2[1],char2[2]]
    if charlist[2] == char3[1]:
        move3[0:0] = [char3[0],char3[1],char3[2]]
    if charlist[2] == char4[1]:
        move3[0:0] = [char4[0],char4[1],char4[2]]
    if charlist[3] == char1[1]:
        move4[0:0] = [char1[0],char1[1],char1[2]]
    if charlist[3] == char2[1]:
        move4[0:0] = [char2[0],char2[1],char2[2]]
    if charlist[3] == char3[1]:
        move4[0:0] = [char3[0],char3[1],char3[2]]
    if charlist[3] == char4[1]:
        move4[0:0] = [char4[0],char4[1],char4[2]]

#showing next action times
# should also be enumerated to 'n'th action
# but how to put that into string
def shownextaction():
    print 'Loop Nr. ', run_nr
    print ''
    print '---------------------------------------'
    print 'Next action', move1[0], 'at tick No', move1[1]
    print ' 2nd action', move2[0], 'at tick No', move2[1]
    print ' 3rd action', move3[0], 'at tick No', move3[1]
    print ' 4th action', move4[0], 'at tick No', move4[1]
    print '---------------------------------------'

#log to textfile
def logfile():
    outnr = str('Loop Nr. ') + str(run_nr) + str('\n')
    out1 = str(' Next action ') + str(move1[0])+ str(' at tick No ') +
str(move1[1]) + str('\n')
    out2 = str('  2nd action ') + str(move2[0])+ str(' at tick No ') +
str(move2[1]) + str('\n')
    out3 = str('  3rd action ') + str(move3[0])+ str(' at tick No ') +
str(move3[1]) + str('\n')
    out4 = str('  4th action ') + str(move4[0])+ str(' at tick No ') +
str(move4[1]) + str('\n\n')
    incr_ = str('Entered Number was:  ') + str(inc) + str('\n')
    incre = str('Increasing Character  ') + str(move1[0]) + str('  by
Value:  ') + str(inc) + str(' + ') + str(inc_out) + str('\n\n\n')
    #timecode= str

    f = file('timeline.txt', 'a')
    f.write('Actiontimes of ')


#defining some stuff, calling title
run_nr= 0
the_end = 'this is the end. exit requested by user.'
loops = int(raw_input("Number of Loops: "))

#check if we should run, then asking for input
# here it should ask for n characters, then enumerating
# variables, i.e. n=6 creates char1-char6 and filling it
# like shown below

if loops == 0:
    char1 = [raw_input("Char 1 Name: "),int(raw_input("Char 1
Initiative: ")),int(raw_input("Char 1 Reaction Time: "))]
    char2 = [raw_input("Char 2 Name: "),int(raw_input("Char 2
Initiative: ")),int(raw_input("Char 2 Reaction Time: "))]
    char3 = [raw_input("Char 3 Name: "),int(raw_input("Char 3
Initiative: ")),int(raw_input("Char 3 Reaction Time: "))]
    char4 = [raw_input("Char 4 Name: "),int(raw_input("Char 4
Initiative: ")),int(raw_input("Char 4 Reaction Time: "))]
    move1 = [0,0,0]
    move2 = [0,0,0]
    move3 = [0,0,0]
    move4 = [0,0,0]


#loop the shiznit
if loops == 0:
    print the_end
    rtd = 1
    for rtd in range(loops+1):

        #calling sort/show functions

        #increasing value of the smallest
        smallest = min(char1[1],char2[1],char3[1],char4[1])
        print 'Amount of Actiontime to add for', move1[0]
        inc = int(raw_input('Value:   '))
        print '_______________________________________'
        if smallest == char1[1]:
            char1[1] = inc + char1[1] + char1[2]
            inc_out = char1[2]
        if smallest == char2[1]:
            char2[1] = inc + char2[1] + char2[2]
            inc_out = char2[2]
        if smallest == char3[1]:
            char3[1] = inc + char3[1] + char3[2]
            inc_out = char3[2]
        if smallest == char4[1]:
            char4[1] = inc + char4[1] + char4[2]
            inc_out = char4[2]

        #writing to logfile and increasing loop nr
        run_nr = run_nr + 1


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