Steven Bethard wrote:
Steve Holden wrote:

Steven Bethard wrote:

Antoon Pardon wrote:

Can anyone explain why descriptors only work when they are an attribute
to an object or class.  I think a lot of interesting things one can
do with descriptors would be just as interesting if the object stood
on itself instead of being an attribute to an other object.

Not sure what "stood on itself" really means, but if you just want to be able to have module-level properties, you can do something like:

Think in non-English (stand outside yourself?) for a second, rememberinf Antoon is Belgian (if you knew that):

   "on" => "by"

   "stood on itself" => "stood by itself"
                     => "standalone"

Sorry, I gathered that this meant "standalone". My problem was that I'm not sure what "standalone" means in the context of descriptors. Descriptors are invoked when dotted-attribute access is used. When exactly is he proposing "standalone" descriptors would be invoked?

Well, my *guess* was Antoon was referring to module attributes - names that can be referenced without qualification using a "." operator.

Which, I suppose, is how you read it too. Sorry.

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