That was it!  Thanks a lot!

I was also trying to output the acronym in caps so I was entering 
string.upper (acronym) like whats in the book and kept getting a 
"'tuple' object is not callable" error message.  Just for the heck of it 
I tried it acronym.upper() and it worked!  I thought it could work both 

Paul Rudin wrote:
> Shawn Minisall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I'm trying to write a program that gets the first letter of every word
>> of a phrase and prints it on screen.  I'm having problems with it.
>> I'm thinking a for loop would be good since I don't know the exact
>> number of words the user is going to enter, but after that I get
>> confused.  How do I tell python to just goto the beg of each word in
>> the phrase and include it in the acronym?  Am I on the right track?
>>    for a in string.split(phrase)
>>    acronym = phrase [0]
>>    acronym = acronym + 1
> How about:
> for a in phrase.split():
>     print a[0]


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