On 9/18/07, Thomas Harding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > Hi guys, sorry to post another topic on this, as I am aware that it
 > already been posted a few times, but not with specifically what I
am looking
 > for. I want an app that makes a gui interface for python (similar
 > Microsoft visual studio or qt designer, not a code based one) and/
or an app
 > that can make this into a .exe that can be opened by any person on
 > computer without python installed.

For windows only, there's always Iron Python. This allows you to use
Visual Studio, the commercial or the express version, to create the
GUI in VB or C# and from that call Python code that does all the heavy

I'd second the recommendation for QtDesigner if you want cross-
platform capability.

Simon Hibbs


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