
Thanks for the response.

On Sep 16, 8:41 pm, Tim Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't you want mvaddstr?

import curses

def my_program(screen):
    while True:
        ch = screen.getch()

        if ch == ord("q"):
        if ch <= 255:
            screen.mvaddstr(30, 10, "*%s*" % chr(ch))


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "2pythontest.py", line 13, in ?
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4//lib/
python2.4/curses/wrapper.py", line 44, in wrapper
    return func(stdscr, *args, **kwds)
  File "2pythontest.py", line 10, in my_program
    screen.mvaddstr(5, 5, "*%s*" % chr(ch))
AttributeError: mvaddstr

>(And remember that y comes first.)
> --

>>I can't seem to get any y, x coordinates to work with curses.

However, while changing things around, I discovered what is causing
the error:  the coordinate 30, 10 is off my screen.  When I change the
y, x coordinates to 5, 10, then the program executes as it should.

However, now I am having a problem trying to set the color of the text
that is output:

import curses

def my_program(screen):
    while True:
        ch = screen.getch()

        if ch == ord("q"):
        if ch <= 255:
            output = "*%s*" % chr(ch)

            screen.addstr(5, 5, output, curses.COLOR_RED)


A strange thing is happening.  The integer value of the constant
curses.COLOR_RED is 1, and when I type in a character, 1 is getting
added to the character's ascii code.  For instance, if I type in an
'h', then an 'i' displays on the screen--and in white, not red.

I did some testing and has_colors() returns True, but I still can't
get the curses output to show up in red.  The tutorial:

Curses Programming with Python
A.M. Kuchling, Eric S. Raymond


To use color, you must call the start_color() function soon after
calling initscr(), to initialize the default color set (the
curses.wrapper.wrapper() function does this automatically). Once
that's done, the has_colors() function returns TRUE if the terminal in
use can actually display color.

Another thing that is strange: that paragraph uses the syntax
curses.wrapper.wrapper().  And the docs say this:

6.17 curses.wrapper -- Terminal handler for curses programs
New in version 1.6.

This module supplies one function, wrapper()...

which implies that I should be using the syntax
curses.wrapper.wrapper() in my code.  But I get an error when I try

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "2pythontest.py", line 16, in ?
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'wrapper'

I get the same error if add the import statement:

import curses.wrapper

I'm using an intel mac if that makes any difference.


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