On Sep 13, 4:18 am, Tim Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> gamename wrote:
> > On Sep 13, 1:42 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> On Sep 12, 9:27 pm, gamename <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>> Is it still the case there is no practical Expect-like module for
> >>> win32? I know that cygwin can support pexpect, but that isn't an
> >>> option here --- I have to use a native win32 Python version.
> >>> Are there alternatives, or is it simply not an option to replicate
> >>> Expect on win32 with python?
> >>> All I'm trying to do is start a couple processes, wait for each to say
> >>> "done" on stdout and then quit (or timeout if something went wrong).
> >>> TIA,
> >>> -T
> >> I had planned on using telnet to do the same thing on windows.  I
> >> don't think I ever proved it, but I'm pretty sure it will work.
> > Thanks, Sean.  The problem is that telnet is generally disabled on
> > most hosts nowadays.
> I'm not sure whether the need you describe above "start a
> couple [of] processes, wait for each to say 'done' and
> then quit (or timeout...)" is *all* of your requirements
> or just an example. And are these processes running on
> remote machines? Or just locally?
Good question.  That's part of the requirements.  The rest are:  The
processes need to be async (i.e. the script doesn't stop while waiting
for the process to complete). They also need some kind of timeout
mechanism so that the processes don't run forever. All processes are

> Depending on those things, maybe there are other ways
> to do what you want under Windows?
> (I've checked back through the archives and I can't find
> any earlier posts describing the requirement more clearly).


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