Shawn Milochik a écrit : > I have done what I wanted, but I think there must be a much better way. > > Given two timestamps in the following format, I just want to figure > out how far apart they are (in days, seconds, whatever). > > Format: > > YYYY-MM-DD_MM:SS > > Example: > 2007-09-11_16:41 > > > It seems to me that to do what I want, I need to convert a string into > a number (time.mktime()), such as this: 1189543487.0 > > Once I have that, I can just subtract one from the other and do > whatever I want. The ugly part is converting something like > 2007-09-11_16:41 to the numeric equivalent. > > Below is my code. Any suggestions?
import time print time.mktime(time.strptime("2007-09-11_16:41", '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M')) => 1189521660.0 FWIW, you may also want to have a look at the datetime module, with special attention to the timedelta class. HTH --