I have a grid. I want to sort it when a column label is clicked. I know about the EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK event, but that is not enough. I do not merely need to know that a label was clicked. I need to know which label was clicked. I do not know how to do that. I suspect you might know. I request that you tell me.
Please see:
It tells you how to draw a sort indicator on the clicked header, which involves first figuring out which header was clicked. As you've found, the entire header region is one wxWindow, not one per column, which does make it a bit more difficult to sort out which column header was clicked. This sample does not go on to show you how to actually do the sorting, however.
I also wish to know some other things: how to find out the location of
a mouse pointer in a wxWindow (or at least the frame),
Bind a function to the wx.EVT_MOTION event, and then call GetPosition() of the event instance, which returns a (x,y) tuple of the mouse position at the time the event was generated. x and y are relative to the window that emitted the event.
and how to change the color of a single specified pixel in a bitmap.
I don't know how to do this, but I'd take a look at the docs for wxBitmap for starters.
I use Python 2.3, wxPython 2.4.2.
You should upgrade to wxPython 2.5.3 (2.5.4 is around the corner though). If you have a bunch of code already written for 2.4, you'll want to upgrade carefully and refer to the migration guide at http://wxpython.org first. Otherwise, if you are just starting with wxPython, trust me you definitely want to upgrade ASAP - a lot of bugs have been fixed and new features added since 2.4.2, and wxPython experts will be better able to help you if you use a recent version...
Also, you may find more and better help by joining the wxpython-users list - you can find a link at http://wxpython.org.
-- pkm ~ http://paulmcnett.com -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list