Gabriel B. wrote: > i'm writting an application that will use Tinker in a newer future. > Now it's console only. I simply ommit some data on the display, > print() some other and go on. The problem is that i can't test the > actions tiggered by special keys, like Page Up/Down or the F1...12 > > Right now i'm using raw_input() since even the Tk version will have > only one input place, and for debuging i'm literally writting pageup, > pagedow and the F's. But i want to put it in test while i write the > GUI. > > is there any hope for me? I wanted to stay only with the console for > now. And it's windows by the way :) > > Thanks
This is a notoriously un-cross-platform sort of issue. Don't know about Tk, but for Windows, you could use one of the existing console/curses packages: Chris Gonnerman's WConIO: The effbot's console module: or a Win32 curses port: or you could splash out a bit and go for Pygame, which gives you pretty much complete control over pretty much everything: or you could use the part-of-the-batteries mscvrt module: TJG --