> I have a text source file of about 20.000 lines.
> >From this file, I like to write the first 5 lines to a new file. Close
> that file, grab the next 5 lines write these to a new file... grabbing
> 5 lines and creating new files until processing of all 20.000 lines is
> done.
> Is there an efficient way to do this in Python?
> In advance, thanks for your help.

I have written a working test of this. Here's the basic setup:

open the input file

function newFileName:
    generate a filename (starting with 00001.tmp).
    If filename exists, increment and test again (0002.tmp and so on).
    return fileName

read a line until input file is empty:

    test to see whether I have written five lines. If so, get a new
file name, close file, and open new file

    write line to file

close output file final time

Once you get some code running, feel free to post it and we'll help.

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