All, Sorry for the vague topic, but I really didn't know how to describe what I want to do. I'd like to almost do a traceback of my code for debugging and I thought this would be a really cool way to do it if possible.
What I'd like to do, is define a base class. This base class would have a function, that gets called every time another function is called (regardless of whether in the base class or a derived class), and prints the doc string of each function whenever it's called. I'd like to be able to do this without explicitly specifying the function inside all of the other functions of a base class or derived class. Here's what I think it would look like: class Base: __init__(self,debug=False): if debug: self.debug = debug def functionThatAlwaysGetsCalled(self): print self.__docstring__ class Derived(Base): """This function prints something""" def printSometing(something) #ghost function get's called here print something Output would be: This function prints something something Thanks for any help! --