On Sep 4, 11:49 am, Erik Max Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Who knows?  The graph has no labeling or calibration for the y-axis, so
> it's meaningless.

Well yes, some calibration would make it more meaningful, but it is at
least labeled 'Search Volume.'  What's worse the calibration changes
with any search you do (try 'java programming, python programming').
In any case this is how Google describe what they are doing.

|Google Trends analyzes a portion of Google web searches to compute
how many
|searches have been done for the terms you enter, relative to the
total number
|of searches done on Google over time. We then show you a graph with
|results -- our search-volume graph -- plotted on a linear scale.

So I think we can at least say from the chart that searches combining
the terms 'python' and 'programming' have been falling, by some
unquantifiable amount (it don't _look_ like much!?), relative to the
number of total searches.  I think we can also say that nothing in the
chart implies that the "amount of python programers is smaller every


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